Bishop Deneese Yamson

Bishop Deneese Yamson

Founder & Regional Director

I am extremely humbled to be entrusted with this huge divine assignment to Teach All Nations. There is such peace, Joy and a deep sense of purpose being apart of those who seek to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). I remember like yesterday when the Holy Spirit whispered to me the inception of The Bible School. I remember how I was overwhelmed with such calm yet pulsating firey assurance deep within that this was what the Father wanted. Like a miracle, what would take months, even years to be established happened in not more than three weeks. A Global School for Intercession and Equipping Ministers was established to reach Believers home and abroad through an Online platform. A school to teach Believers how to pray ultimately raising up an End Time Army of True Intercessors. After the first term of intense teaching and prayer sessions GSMI was extended to assist in the equipping of those who are Called by God in their various divine roles and assignments.

To the glory of God, GSMI continues to evolve as an illustrious International Bible Training College offering both undergraduate and graduate programs. In keeping with two of our major goals; To provide Believers with the convenience of a safe and credible online learning space and with opportunities to grow spiritually by being engaged into activities that ultimately produces greater moral development, righteousness and being effective co-laborers with Jesus Christ for greater Kingdom impact in the nations of the world. We are also very passionate about helping all members of the Church Community grow in their personal relationship with God. Our desire and prayer is to encourage you to know God’s plan for your life and assist in equipping you to participate in God’s purposes in the world. Finally, the programs offered were prayerfully, purposefully and gradually selected then implemented to meet the training need of Believers. We offer the training that aspiring and seasoned Ministers require in order to execute their roles effectively. At GSMI: We Train, Equip and Send Believers to do the work of the Ministry to the glory of God the Father. Therefore it is my utmost pleasure to say to you- Welcome to GSMI and may your tenor with us be a paradigm shifting one filled with spiritual awakening encounters.