Apostle Robert Yamson

Apostle Robert Yamson

International Overseer

I am sincerely honored to be the first to say to you our International Students, thank you for your interest in being apart of GSMI. We hope you will find us to be the family of Intellectual Biblical Scholars that you enjoy studying with to show yourself approved unto God. Being part of this Global School of Ministry & Intercession (GSMI) you will have no regrets. We Intercede over you and declare that; you will walk in alignment with God and His plans for your life. Resulting in your ministry being amplified with miracles and manifestations of the Holy Spirit. Just as Jesus grew in His assigned destiny, we decree so will it be with you.
Scripture states:
And the Child continued to grow and become strong [in spirit], filled with wisdom; and the grace (favor, spiritual blessings) of God was upon Him. It is our prayer that like the early Church your encounter here with Him, through His Spirit, will leave you full of His Power to be His true witnesses.
As the scripture states:
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.GSMI’s mandate is to assist you to walk into your divine destiny and assignments in the earth as True Ambassadors of Christ and Effective Global Missionaries through God’s divine Grace and His abundant supply of mercy. I implore you to make the best of this learning experience. Again, thank you for choosing GSMI and may you encounter Him in all His Power and Might as you study with us.